Iapos;ve invested in an online workshop affiliated with one of my favorite authors.� Itapos;s really paying off now.� Iapos;m gaining a lot of knowledge about the craft.� Clarity is setting in.�
Iapos;ve decided to do a rewrite of one of my previous short stories "Monsters."� It was a rough first draft at best and it hadnapos;t occurred to me until now to revise it.� Itapos;s going in a whole other direction, which was to be expected.� Itapos;s going to be a refined piece of art.� I am dedicating the weekend to a second draft.�
Iapos;ve learned its best to write down ideas and not let them float away like an afterthought.�
Reflecting about the whole writing process:
I compare it to drawing, in a way.� I use the eraser just as much as I use the lead.� I canapos;t be too attached to each word I write.� When I draw, I erase when I know I can improve, and I erase a lot.� I have to approach writing the same way.� I need to develop good habits.�
Future talk (update):
Another revised plan of action:
Pay off credit cards.-If I donapos;t find a second job or some sort of steady supplemental income then I wonapos;t be able to do that for another year or so if I donapos;t use the card at all.� I really want to get this done to have the freedom to just go.
when thatapos;s accomplished...
Teach English in Korea for a year.-With a decent salary and free housing, I should be able to save enough money to do what I want after the year.�
which leads to...Travel around the world for six months.� -Six months might be stretching it.� Four months would be the minimum.� England, Amsterdam, Paris, Italy, Greece, Egypt, India, Japan, and the Philippines.� After that, Iapos;ll teach English for another year.� Save up more money and eventually move back to the city and go back to school to get a teaching degree.�
I just visualized this whole scenario.� Itapos;s definitely a good path to follow.� The traveling outside the country is exactly what I need.� I would, of course, do some writing while Iapos;m out there.� I should have a finished draft of the novel by the time I reach stateside.� I still want to be a writer.� In a perfect world, I sell the book when I get back and find a nice place in the city.�
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