суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

film buff roncesvalles

okay i just read a blog, although its the 17th october now and that post is dated 27th september.
oh man. I felt numb.

� itapos;s all over already lah please.
itapos;s over long long ago. You know this yourself.
and whatapos;s gotten into you anyway, you were moving on so fine you even got a new boyfriend called jiten or something. Why suddenly come back to me?
what did i do?

iapos;ll put this as plainly as i can to you , i donapos;t want any misunderstandings thatapos;ll lead to more hurt.
weapos;re over and through, and weapos;ll never get together again.
we can be friends, and close friends are the furthest weapos;ll ever go.

no, i wasnt with jiten.
just to clear the misunderstanding.
lis, jiten and i were fooling around that time.

somehow, that still hurt a bit.

diagram of bones in skull, film buff roncesvalles, film buff toronto, film buffs.

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