Idiotic things that i have done/thought:
1) Once I was with AXL, and I was opening a bottle of Pepsi. When I opened it, it started spilling and frothing all out, and AXL started yelling, apos;close the bottle close the bottleapos; and I did the exact opposite, running around his room with the Pepsi bottle screaming, apos;Oh my god Oh my godapos; And subsequently got pepsi all over his carpet floor.
2) I thought the ex-president of Taiwan was some game show host. And I assumed that for 5 years.
3) I told a couple of friends that Penang is the capital of Malaysia. Itapos;s actually Kuala Lumpar, at least I know now.
Thank God thereapos;s only 3 things off the top of my head, otherwise Iapos;d be a walking embarrassment.
asl cardinal in number, africa country western, africa country west, africa country test, africa country southern, africa country south wine.

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