вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

black diamond coal company alabama

Gawd you have no idea how nostalgic small things can be. But then again what the fuck do I know? May be every time you see a leggy blond crossing the street, she suddenly reminds you of the girlfriend that left you in college, and youapos;re once again forced to supress that rising, sinister urge. I dunno, something to do with kicking puppies and lack of empathy...

shopping list:
cheap avacadoes,
ear plugs, oh wait, iapos;ve got those somewhere deep in the jungle of still unpacked plastic bags.

dirk adams, black diamond coal company alabama, black diamond coal mine, black diamond coal mines.

понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

area moderator

Itapos;s hilarious to me how idiotic some people can be. I have so far enjoyed my backtage seat for Obama vs McCain. A lot of dumb things have happened on both sides. The idea that there are people out there who think Obama is an Arab/Muslim because he has brown skin is not just idiotic, itapos;s ignorant. And btw, there is nothing wrong with being either of those -- even for a President. (Truthfully, I donapos;t know what religion he is and donapos;t care)

And then are those that think heapos;s a terrorist because his middle name is Hussein. Again, not idiotic but ignorant. But the funniest thing is this whole "elite" business. Obama is an elitist? How is that bad? When did it happen that America wants a President they can have a beer with? Again, not just idiotic - ignorant. I have friends. Those are the people I have a beer with. The President SHOULD be better than me. He/she should be better than you. Who would you want performing surgery on you: the guy who knows what heapos;s doing, or the guy you can have a beer with? I donapos;t want my plumber to have a drink with me, much less the President. I want both to be able to do their job.

Tell me Iapos;m wrong.

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florida college lectures

I can't wait for election, because, no matter who wins, that will be one less thing for us to be uncertain about. When you see the markets bounce around a few hundred points everyday, you know it's because they're in the dark--just not enough real information about the future so they're going on gut and emotion.

I think you'll see a runup right after the election, especially if there's a clear and decisive victory that gets called before we all head to bed. Then, it will be up to whoever wins to follow through in the next year+ on the hope for a better tomorrow that has been entrusted to them.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

big screen cinema

Iapos;ve got a giant alligator living somewhere in the woods around here. It keeps snapping up the little lambs and it is becoming harder and harder to cover up the missing sheep from their owner. I donapos;t know why Iapos;m covering for the alligator. Perhaps I somehow identify with the creature. Maybe I want to protect what might be a new breed of gator. Though I�suspect that I just hate sheep.

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adresi biliyorsun mp3 nalan

Well, so far the vacation is going well. We spent Wednesday night at Michelle and Carlapos;s which was great. It was my first night away from Claire and I did not have any mental breakdown.

Thursday morning, I realized that I had forgotten to ask Chelle if she could take us to the airport. Iapos;m an idiot, I know. Luckily, Michelle is kind and got out of bed and took us to the airport.

Our first flight was pleasant until the descent. As soon as we started going down, I began to feel excruciating pain in my right eye and in my head. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the eyeball with an ice pick. I have been having allergy problems and clearly my sinuses could not equalize the pressure change. It was nearly unbearable. I started to cry. The only thing that kept me from screaming was that I knew it would end and I didnapos;t want to get thrown in jail for disturbing the flight.

The same thing happened on the second leg of the flight, but it was much, much more painful and happened in both eyes. Hopefully, my sinuses will be better before our return flights.

Thursday when we arrived at the resort, we met up with my friends and had some dinner. Our room is wonderful. We are oceanfront on the bottom floor in a corner room. The property is just as pretty as it was when we came here on our honeymoon seven years ago

Friday, we spent the entire day on a trip to Chizen Itza, the Mayan pyramids. We had an excellent tour guide who is a Mayan and is an archeologist and anthropologist. One of the highlights was when we stopped in a Mayan village and gave some school children gum. They were so excited

Today was the wedding and my friend Michelle looked beautiful. It stormed first thing this morning, so that had me worried, but the sun came out just in time for the wedding in the gazebo. We all had a nice lunch and then we played in the pool this afternoon.

Tonight we are going to a Mexican fiesta show. Weapos;re looking forward to that.

Claire is doing fine at home. She is having a great time with my fried/co-worker Stephanie. Today she went to the zoo and she had her first Krystal burger. My sister is coming to keep her tomorrow and will be with her for the rest of our trip.

Until the next update,

PS I have no idea how to add pics or do the cuts. Sorry.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

film buff roncesvalles

okay i just read a blog, although its the 17th october now and that post is dated 27th september.
oh man. I felt numb.

� itapos;s all over already lah please.
itapos;s over long long ago. You know this yourself.
and whatapos;s gotten into you anyway, you were moving on so fine you even got a new boyfriend called jiten or something. Why suddenly come back to me?
what did i do?

iapos;ll put this as plainly as i can to you , i donapos;t want any misunderstandings thatapos;ll lead to more hurt.
weapos;re over and through, and weapos;ll never get together again.
we can be friends, and close friends are the furthest weapos;ll ever go.

no, i wasnt with jiten.
just to clear the misunderstanding.
lis, jiten and i were fooling around that time.

somehow, that still hurt a bit.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

da vinci codes channel 4

Iapos;ve invested in an online workshop affiliated with one of my favorite authors.� Itapos;s really paying off now.� Iapos;m gaining a lot of knowledge about the craft.� Clarity is setting in.�
Iapos;ve decided to do a rewrite of one of my previous short stories "Monsters."� It was a rough first draft at best and it hadnapos;t occurred to me until now to revise it.� Itapos;s going in a whole other direction, which was to be expected.� Itapos;s going to be a refined piece of art.� I am dedicating the weekend to a second draft.�
Iapos;ve learned its best to write down ideas and not let them float away like an afterthought.�
Reflecting about the whole writing process:
I compare it to drawing, in a way.� I use the eraser just as much as I use the lead.� I canapos;t be too attached to each word I write.� When I draw, I erase when I know I can improve, and I erase a lot.� I have to approach writing the same way.� I need to develop good habits.�

Future talk (update):
Another revised plan of action:
Pay off credit cards.
-If I donapos;t find a second job or some sort of steady supplemental income then I wonapos;t be able to do that for another year or so if I donapos;t use the card at all.� I really want to get this done to have the freedom to just go.
�� when thatapos;s accomplished...
Teach English in Korea for a year.
-With a decent salary and free housing, I should be able to save enough money to do what I want after the year.�
�� which leads to...
Travel around the world for six months.�
-Six months might be stretching it.� Four months would be the minimum.� England, Amsterdam, Paris, Italy, Greece, Egypt, India, Japan, and the Philippines.� After that, Iapos;ll teach English for another year.� Save up more money and eventually move back to the city and go back to school to get a teaching degree.�

I just visualized this whole scenario.� Itapos;s definitely a good path to follow.� The traveling outside the country is exactly what I need.� I would, of course, do some writing while Iapos;m out there.� I should have a finished draft of the novel by the time I reach stateside.� I still want to be a writer.� In a perfect world, I sell the book when I get back and find a nice place in the city.�

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crosswoods movie theater columbus ohio

So, uh yeah I finally managed to get ahold of a copy of Return to Sleep away Camp. And while I was watching it while working on a fic with my co-writer and having quite a bit of fun picking on it with a pal Eric, He thought I was watching the original until I sent it to him. But anyways, Itapos;s not really gonna be worth me buying the characters kinda just annoyed the hell out of me, Specifficly the main character. BUT anyways If anyone on my Flist wants it tell me

Side note: I picked out Chad, Never saw vern, And I THINK I THINK I saw Jess and Deron (Shrugs) Falissa was kinda pretty too. I used to think she looked manly guess Iapos;m getting past my hatred their haha Anyways that is all

Love and hugs.

Amaroqwolf AKA The Undead Wolfie.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

blizzcon wow expansion

2,000 years ago a group of slaves broke free and took up arms against their masters. They shook the system to the core and though they were in the end crushed - set the story for all time. So tragic that today, slaves don't even know that they are indeed slaves.

Here is the pivotal scene from the ballet Spartacus. It is the evening before the last battle and Phrygia and Spartacus say good bye to each other and to the brief moment of freedom that they will have.

This for me is one of the pivotal experiences of ballet where the giant energy of the combination of the male and the female explodes upon the stage.

Katchachuryan's music takes us to a depth of feeling that is almost unbearable. The dancers from the Bolshoi offer us the essence of the great unity that I think can only be found by a couple who find themselves at the limit of what can be felt by two people.

I weep for my country and for a world where we know none of these truths

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